My State MLS Blog


Where to Add Accent Colors? - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

Overall, most people appreciate a coherent color palette in their homes, as similar hues feel pleasing to the eye. When everything is too similar, however, the atmosphere can begin to seem uninteresting. Accent colors alleviate this effect by acting as striking points of contrast that bring just the right amount of energy to a room without feeling overwhelming. Although this concept makes sense,

How to Turn Your House into a "Smart Home" - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

In Back to the Future II, Lea Thompson uses a futuristic microwave to turn a mini pizza into a full pie in a matter of seconds. In Blade Runner 2049, Officer K has a holographic AI at home. And in Total Recall, Arnie's Doug has access to a touchscreen fridge.It turns out cinematic predictions can come pretty close to the real thing. Smart homes are now available beyond the silver screen.

Home Improvement Mistakes to Avoid - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

Home improvements can bring back that 'new home' excitement you felt when you first moved in. Whether it's a fresh new kitchen or that bathroom you've always dreamed about, any renovation is bound to make you feel giddy and excited. Although we know you're itching to make those home improvements, hold fire! Before you start planning, take the time to read this guide we prepared, which will cover

4 selling Costs You Have to Know - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

When you envision selling your house, you imagine how much money you can walk away with after closing a deal. You might invest in some upgrades that raise your property value in hopes of a decent profit. While there are many practical costs to consider, selling your house also costs thousands of dollars in fees and other legal transactions that you need to be aware

Is Miami the New NYC - Mass Movement to FL | MyStateMLS

Do we all end up here in Florida? When Billy Joel wrote 'Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway),' he probably didn't expect it to come true. But now in 2020, it seems like he was only 3 years off. New Yorkers are leaving the city in droves in response to the pandemic. Are they all heading to Miami as the song suggests? Check out Dawn's insights into Florida real estate in

Where Should You Move For a Home v.s. Apartment | MyStateMLS

Buying a HouseBuying a home is a big financial investment with solid returns. You build equity through home ownership. This is the big for many people.When you buy a home, you have control over every aspect of your home. This can be freeing for people who do not enjoy the renting experience. The only drawback to this is that you will be responsible for all maintenance andrepairs of

Buying Property | Five Tips for Buying a Condo In Today's Day And Age

Investing in a condo unit is not that simple. There are more factors to consider than meet the eye - down payments for condos are different, sharing a building with others comes with its own concerns, and more. Getting ready to purchase? Here are our top 5 tips to consider before buying a condo. 1. Check if living in a condominium will fit your lifestyle Even if

How to Stage a Room for Listing Photos - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

We spend most of our time at home designing a space that feels uniquely ours' personalized to our individual styles and adorned with furniture and items that bring us joy. But once you're ready to sell, it can feel daunting to figure out how to suddenly make that personal space feel a bit more universal and broadly appealing to prospective buyers. Because truthfully, photos of your space can be