My State MLS Blog


Should I allow a lockbox on my home?

The decision of if you should allow access to your home while you are not at home, or even access to your home by buyers and sellers unaccompanied by your trusted listing agent is an extremely personal decision that only you can make based on your situation, but here is some information about the different types of lockboxes and the pros and cons to allowing showings with lockboxes.Pros: If you

Marketing RE to the Different Generations

Every Thursday in March, we covered a different generation and how they interact with the real estate market. From Generation Z, the newest group of buyers on the market, to Baby Boomers and their changing needs as they reach retirement age, our full series covers everything you need to know about how to help each generation through the home buying or selling

The Best Waterfront Areas

Thereâ€s something refreshing about making your dwelling along a beautiful natural shoreline, whether it be an ocean or a lake. You get a nice view, cooler air, and easy access to some outdoor activities not available in landlocked locations. Although you may have your

Selling a House on a Busy Road

Your house has beautiful architecture and stunning landscaping, but for some reason, people just arenâ€t buying. If your home sits on a busy road, it can often be frustrating trying to close a sale. Usually due to noise pollution or the lack of privacy, many

Factors that affect Home Selling

Siding is very influential on a homeâ€s exterior appearance and structural integrity. Since it can maximize the homeâ€s energy efficiency and may decrease utility bills, siding has the potential to affect a homeâ€s resale value. Therefore, homeowners who seek

House Into a Vacation Rental

As we look to expand our investments, our thoughts may be drawn to the real estate industry. Within it, vacation rentals offer great potential for profit and growth. Here is what you need to know to get started as a first-time property investor. Why Invest?A vacation