5 Mistakes New Homeowners Make

By Carolyn Mitchell

First  of  all,  congrats!  Becoming  a homeowner is a big accomplishment that takes time, patience, hard-earned money, and often a little  bit  of  luck. There’s plenty of things to know to be a smart homeowner, but just as many that you should avoid. Thankfully, you don't  have to make the same mistakes! Keep these things in mind to avoid some of the common mistakes new homeowners make.

1. Forgoing a Rainy Day Fund
Life  is unpredictable. You’ve got your really good days and you're really bad. But there’s a lot more that can go wrong when you’re a homeowner,  and  it  can  be  very  expensive.   Sudden  maintenance  tasks  like  leaky pipes should be tackled promptly before the damage  and  costs  compound.   For  this  reason,  experts  in  finance  suggest  saving  at least six months’ worth of salary to cover sudden  expenses.   Talk   about   things   like   this   before   the   problem   even   happens   and  have a plan and money set aside. Unfortunately,    homeowners  and  couples mismanage money  simply  because  they don't talk about it, so don’t follow suit. Get to talking, work together, and set some goals.

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The Listing Appointment Playbook

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