Energy-Efficiency Improvements To Add To Your Home

By Kayla Keena

Energy  efficiency  is  vital  for  any  homeowner.  It  saves  money  on  your  energy  bills and decreases the amount of pollution you contribute  to  the  environment.  With  these  benefits,  modern  homebuyers  are  always  on  the  lookout for features that reduce reliance on electricity and gas. Learn about energy-efficiency improvements for your home below.


Improve Your Home's Insulation

Strong  insulation  is  pivotal  for  making  sure your home is always  at  comfortable  temperatures.  Without  it,  heat will seep  inside  during  the warmer months and leak out in the colder   ones.    The    most   effective   place   to   add  more insulation  is in the attic because it's unlikely you will need to tear down any walls. It's also the section of the house where most of your unwanted heat transfer likely occurs, since hot air  tends  to  rise. If your attic is bare and you'd like to lower your    bills     and    your    environmental    footprint,   call  a professional to install insulation.

Get New Energy-Efficient Appliances

Appliances,  such  as  refrigerators,  washing  machines,  or  dryers,  are  necessary for everyday life, but they can also eat up a lot of power.  However,  newer,  more  energy-efficient  versions  can  raise  your  home's  productivity and be more attractive to potential buyers  down  the  road.  Look  for  Energy Star-rated appliances, as this label indicates that the product is energy-efficient. You can also select products with fewer extraneous features to reduce their electrical needs even more.

Install Energy-Efficient Windows and Doors

Other  than the attic, windows and doors are the primary spots where  heat  transfer  can  occur  between  your  home and the outside  air.  Old  windows  and  doors  tend  to  have leaks and materials  that  make it easy for warmth to move through them even  when  they're  closed. As such, consider installing energy-efficient  windows and doors to cut down on heat transfer. You can  again  go  for  those  with  Energy  Star ratings and choose materials   that   insulate   better.    Some   glass   designs  have multiple   layers   and  sometimes  argon  gas  that  make  them much  better than traditional alternatives. These features make it  possible to obtain energy-efficient sliding glass doors, hinged doors, and windows for your home.


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