Keep Your Basement Dry: Tips and Tricks

By Kayla Keena

Whether  you  just  bought  your  home, planning to stay in your current home for the foreseeable future, or thinking about selling, prioritizing  basic  home  maintenance  is  key.  For  example,  water  should  never  be  entering  your  basement  and damaging it. However,   since issues occur and bad weather happens, there are different steps you can take to properly prepare and keep your basement safe. If you're seeking ways to keep your basement dry, these tips and tricks will make all the difference.

Extend Your Downspouts 

By   simply   adding   extensions   to   your   gutters,   you  allow them   to   dump   rainwater   farther   away   from   your home. Make sure your extensions are  at  least  five  feet  in  length  to ensure water  doesn't  come  anywhere  near  your   basement. Regardless of the season, you  need to remain cognizant of the extensions  in  your  yard.   Issues  can  occur if  you  run  them over  with  a  lawn mower, or  if  they  get  clogged  with  debris, snow, or ice.

Seal Gaps and Cracks

If  there  are  gaps  or  cracks in  the pipes or walls of  your basement, they unfortunately can lead to a  leak.   Make  sure  you  seal any gaps or cracks with polyurethane caulk or hydraulic cement immediately.   Taking this step will prevent water from coming into the basement. This won't be a forever fix, but it will temporarily keep the situation under control.

Handle Issues Promptly

Damaging    weather,   sewer   backup,   general    plumbing issues,   and   larger  foundational  cracks  are   some  other problems   that   may   occur.   The best advice  is to handle these  unfortunate  situations  promptly.   If   you  identify a situation  and  don't do anything about it, water will get into your basement. The longer you wait, the worse it will be!

These tips and tricks hopefully gave you some insight into the issue of flooded basements. Also, make sure you always properly waterproof the inside and outside of your home to help prevent damage. Be a responsible homeowner and don't have regrets!

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