Currently residing in his Astoria townhouse with his dog, Zachary knows all that the city can offer you. As a native New Yorker, Zachary provides a level of service curated by over a decade of real estate experience. As a real estate investor, Zachary understands the markets beyond marketing literature.
His client philosophy is simple: his highest priority is ensuring your comfort. He’ll make sure you never feel stranded or isolated. He’ll be with you every step of the way to provide informed advice. Zachary will do what it takes to help realize your dreams. Give him a call or send him an email today to find out how he can make your dreams come true.
Upon graduating from Fordham University, Zachary immediately took up business, getting involved in retail management, eventually overseeing operations for a boutique store with nine locations across Manhattan and Queens. Today he is responsible for $13M in marketable real estate.
By partnering with Zachary, you help charities in need, as he donates 10% of his earnings to philanthropic foundations.
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