About Nicole Kats

In 2014, Nicole was named Listing Director.  She works with Dexter to analyze the market potential of each new townhouse listing and guide our clients all the way through a successful closing.

When an owner contacts Vandenberg, Nicole uses our exclusive Townhouse Advantage Library™ to create an in-depth report of comparables to help the owner make an informed decision about pricing their house. With a background in statistics, she assembles the facts and figures necessary to determine the real value of a property. Her detailed  knowledge of houses on the market for the past decade contributes to her analysis, focusing on the big picture of what makes each building special.

Nicole’s responsibilities include monitoring the sales process of each and every townhouse we list, along with our marketing manager. Her decade in  townhouse brokerage and knowledge of the special  features of each property allows her to anticipate roadblocks and smooth out bumps in the road ahead of time.

Nicole also reports buyers’ and cobrokers’ feedback directly to our owner clients, so they can fully understand what the market is saying. This helps owners decide on any changes in strategy to  enhance or expedite their sale.

She works with our entire team to make sure any issues are addressed, maintaining momentum all the way to successful closings.

A graduate from Northeastern, with a BA in Finance, Nicole lives on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, and is devoted to her young son.

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1995 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, NY 10023

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