Zoning and Readiness: Zoned M-1 Industrial Light, these lots are versatile and can accommodate a diverse range of industrial uses. The properties are shovel-ready, equipped with all necessary utilities, and poised for immediate development. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Including Cascade Natural Gas and high-speed fiber-optic telecommunications, ensuring your business operates with cutting-edge technology. Accessibility and Convenience: Conveniently located with easy access to Redmond and Bend via Hwy 26/126, and situated just west of Prineville, these lots offer both strategic advantage and accessibility. Economic Incentives: Positioned within the Enterprise Zone for Prineville/Crook County, these lots are eligible for valuable tax incentives, enhancing the attractiveness of this investment. Business-Friendly Environment: Prineville is known for its supportive local government and business-friendly climate. You will find a welcoming community eager to facilitate your development through efficient planning and construction processes. Additionally, commercial properties in Prineville are often available at 50-75% lower costs than those in nearby Redmond or Bend