Family Owned & Operated for 21 years!! Open & serving great food. Steaks, Pork Chops, Burgers & Fries & much more!!Great opportunity, really good food! Close on this great opportunity & the next day you are making money & running yourown business!! Catering, outdoor patio service, Restaurant & Lounge. Set up a tour today, then bring us your offer!! Whata great business for the right person. Restaurant & Lounge!! Sitting minutes from 2 huge music venues, Rocklahoma &Born & Raised. I can taste the Steaks on the grill already! Location & Potential equal success!! You can have it all!!Business, Equipment, land (1.40 acres) & inventory. Close to all the growth in Mid America Industrial Park, (80 companieswith 4600 employees), New Apartments, New Homes, Google and 5 star hotels. Give me a call, let's set up a tour & see allthe potential waiting for you in "2024".