This is a property for investors with vision, with strong portfolios allowing them long hold strategies and not for a Johnny come lately investing his last dollar. Just one look to the Renaissance this area is going thru, will be sure to affirm that you need to have your presence here. Landlord is looking for an anchor tenant or a Bank to lease the space. Great Location, Superb Building ! It has over 14K SF of extra air rights. Built to serve as a bank in the 1930' s; the North Side Savings Bank building is a great investment in today's market. The building has a 30 foot high ceiling in the main entrance, 7,303 SF ground floor, 3,016 SF mezzanine and 4 bathrooms. Average rental in the area for a ground floor space is around $30 PSF ($24 $36). The property is located in a retail corridor, near mass transportation, schools, across the street from the new Boricua College, in a high-density area. The building stands across the street of the new Boricua Village (over 700 units) and one block for the Saint Ann' s Apartments (660 units). This area is SOBRO and it will soon be priced higher.