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969 Garner Rd., Burlington, KS 66839

26 Photos
$999,999 Estimated Value
Off Market
162.00 Acres
Listing ID 11042717
Property Type Vacant Land
County Coffey
Total Tax $953
FEMA Flood Map
Virtual Tour

Denton Auction

We are proud to offer this Coffey County real estate to the public on behalf of Nanci Denton. This is a very diverse parcel consisting of cropland, native grass meadow, a picturesque pond, CRP buffers, multiple hedgerows, and a timbered draw. You'll look a long time to find a property with such varied attributes. This auction will be held on January 27th, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. at the 4-H building within Kelley Park in Burlington, Kansas. | This tract totals 162 acres more or less with approximately 51 acres currently in crop production. According to FSA records, there was formerly a total of 103 acres of cropland. For those wishing to expand the tillable acres, the majority soil type on this parcel is the good upland variety of Kenoma Silt Loam with Eram and Aliceville varieties comprising the next highest percentages. The hay meadows on this tract are mostly native varieties and are of high quality. Fences around the hayed portions are varied from good to needing some new fence constructed. There is a CRP contract for a buffer strip in effect on this property for .93 acres that pays $80.00 annually and expires on 9-30-2025. The Buyer shall receive 66.67% of the annual payment while the tenant receives the balance. The Buyer shall purchase this real estate subject to the provisions of the current CRP contract and transfer the CRP contract into the Buyer's name within two weeks of closing. | The recreational appeal is also very evident, especially for the quail and deer hunter, with multiple hedgerows and a very secluded timbered draw on the eastern portion of the property. If you're looking for a building site with a pond already in place, there is both electric and rural water lines adjacent. Please contact the Coffey County Rural Water District for water details. To set up a tour of the property, please call our office. | Directions from Burlington: From Hwy 75, take Kennebec (becomes 12th Rd.) west for six miles to Garner Rd. and turn south. Proceed 2.3 miles and the property begins on the east side. | Brief Legal: SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4; S 1/2 of NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of 2-22-14 East of the 6th P.M., Coffey County, Kansas. | Property Taxes: $952.78 | Earnest Money: $30,000.00 due on the day of the auction. | Minerals: The Seller's mineral interests pass to the Buyer. An affidavit of non-production will be prepared and filed on any applicable mineral leases. | CRP: There is a CRP contract in effect and the property sells subject to the terms of that contract. The Seller shall receive 66.67% of the CRP contract proceeds through the expiration of the contract. The Seller's portion of the current annual CRP payment shall be prorated to the day of closing between Buyer and Seller. | Tenancy: This property sells without any tillable, grazing, haying, or hunting leases in effect. ***PLEASE CLICK ON THE "DOWNLOADS" TAB BELOW THE PICTURES TO VIEW THE AERIAL MAP, SOIL MAP, CRP CONTRACT ETC...
Auction Details
  • Live Only Auction
  • Location: 3rd St. & Alleghaney St., Burlington, KS (4-H Building in Kelley Park)
  • Starts: Jan 27th 2022 6:30pm
Land Details
  • 162.00 Acres
Exterior Features
  • Pond View
  • Wooded View
  • Private View
  • Scenic View
Taxes and Fees
  • $953 Total Tax
  • Tax Year 2021
Previously Listed By
Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers
Office: 620-888-3040
Listing data is deemed reliable but is NOT guaranteed accurate.
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