My State MLS Blog


5 Real Estate Benefits of Tree Trimming - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

Homeownership is a huge investment, and with any investment, the first priority is making a profit. One of the easiest ways to add tremendous value to your property is planting some trees. Trees create curb appeal, provide shade during summer, and act as buffers against cold winds in the winter. These improved living

How ToProperly Stain Wood | Six Tips & Tricks for Staining Wood

Whether you've found an exciting piece of furniture to upcycle, or you want to give your wooden furniture a new lease of life, wood staining is the way to go. Wood staining is a task that can be completed with minimal DIY skills. However, it can get messy if you're not careful, so it pays to do your research before starting. In this article, we

3 Home Renovations to Increase net profits | MyStateMLS

When it comes to house renovations, there is the reality that the renovation cost won't be 100% recouped. With that said, most people have a tough time deciding if their houses should be renovated with the risk of not receiving a total return on investment. This leads homeowners to wanting the best value out of every dollar they spend on renovations. One thing a homeowner

Upgrade Your Home | Tips for Restoring an Old and Outdated House

Whether you're in the business of flipping houses or just bought yourself a fixer-upper, it never hurts to know a few good tips for restoring an old house. Since technology has advanced and we've learned better practices, many old homes have become relics of their time and present unique challenges. Allow us to offer a few of these tips to help you successfully

Updates to Make Around the House for Remote Work | MyStateMLS

The coronavirus pandemic sparked a mass migration of employees into the remote work world. Practically overnight, tens of millions of workers found themselves doing their best to balance their personal and professional lives as they worked from home. As the months dragged on, more and more companies realized the cost-saving, productive,

The Impacts Of E-Commerce On The Real Estate Industry

The rise of digitization is undeniably changing the way people live and work. Instead of newspapers and magazines, people are most likely seen with eyes fixed and noses stuck onto mobile devices and tablets. Instead of paperbacks and hard bounds, people store e-books in digital libraries. The rise of e-commerce is significantly changing and displacing the brick-and-mortar solutions of

13 Amenities to Look For in Your Next Apartment | MyStateMLS

If youâ€re moving to a new apartment or you're going to be renting your very first property, you might be a little overwhelmed. Besides choosing the area you want to live in, youâ€ll also need to find a place that fits your budget and lifestyle. If you have pets, for example, it's important to find a space

The Top Five Pros and Cons To Buying A Condo In Today's World

Maybe you are taking your first step, if not delving further, into homeownership this 2020. Are you considering investing in rental properties? You might be wondering if condo units are still a good idea for home property investment in 2020.A condo or a condominium unit is a part of a building community. Each unit is separately owned by different individuals who are either building

Great Home Improvement Ideas You Can Do During Social Distancing

Stuck at home and trying to keep from going stir crazy? If you've already worked through your list of 'finish someday' projects for your home or need ideas on where to start, here are our top projects to keep you busy during stay at home orders. 1. Get the Lawn and Garden Ready Need some fresh air? Spend some time in the garden or on the balcony getting your