My State MLS Blog


The Ultimate Guide to Moving Out For the First Time | MyStateMLS

Moving out for the first time is never easy, but itâ€s a vital part of growing up. Rather than avoiding the upcoming move, properly preparing for it will help you start the next stage of your life on the right foot. In order to avoid unnecessary stress and rookie moving mistakes, you need to prepare both yourself and your family for moving out. This may seem like a big project, but don't

Keep Your Basement Dry With These Very Simple Tips and Tricks

Whether you just bought your home, planning to stay in your current home for the foreseeable future, or thinking about selling, prioritizing basic home maintenance is key. For example, water should never be entering your basement and damaging it. However, since

8 Unexpected Household Items that Need Insurance | MyStateMLS

Especially this time of year, you may be taking a look around at all of the items piling up in your home. Think about how you would feel if all of those items disappeared in one fell swoop. There are some items that you would barely miss, but others would be financially devastating to lose, especially if you had to replace them. These are the household items that you need to

Tips for Increasing Home Marketability with Home Renovations

There are several ways to enhance your home and raise its value before selling. Following a fewrenovation tips for increasing home marketability will surely put you on the right track. Tackling a room at a time will allow you to make clear decisions, without an overwhelming laundry list of

Sell A House During A Pandemic | How to Sell a House During COVID-19

Even in a pandemic, people need places to live, job-seekers need to relocate, and empty-nesters still need to downsize. If selling your home is a necessity rather than an option, real estate professionals can show you how to sell a house during COVID-19. Invest in Professional Pictures and Video Virtual tours have been

How to Protect Your Home from Flood Damage | Easy Ways to Stay Safe

Are you worried that flooding may damage your home? Floods are a weather hazard that can virtually occur anywhere, hence every homeowner should be advised on precautions that can be taken. Floods pose more of a risk than just destroying and damaging your property, it can also lead to health issues.Therefore, we will take you through the long term and short term tasks you can do to prevent costly

Upgrade Your House With Easily | Ways To Modernize Your Living Room

Renovating your home's living room can be overwhelming. When you're beginning the process, you may wonder if you should start from the ceiling down or the floor up. Identifying the variousways to modernize your living roomwill help you create a game plan to get the room in order. DeclutteringWhen you're trying

7 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen an Asset - Tips & Tricks | MyStateMLS

Whether you are selling or living with a small kitchen, you are probably feeling quite frustrated with the lack of space you have.True, small spaces have their advantages too, as they are easier to clean, maintain, and keep up with heating and lighting bills. Nonetheless, they are